16 Mar 2006


RANSOMWARE Currently, a new computer bug is on the prowl which locks up files on a user’s system and demands a $300 ransom. The “ransomware” is a Trojan whcih was discovered by the security firm LURHQ. The firm said this trojan was first perpetrated fifteen years ago. It is also believed that this is not a widespread epidemic at present. This can be roughly translated into “There is currently a low interest by the major antivirus developers to devise a detection method.” and “The laundering accounts used by the Trojan proprietors may be closed if attention increases.” Infected users receive an email ransom note describing how their files are now encrypted and can not be unlocked without the $3000 ransom being sent to a special account. The text of the ransom note reads as such, “Do not try to search for a program what encrypted your information — it simply do not exists in your hard disk anymore. If you really care about documents and information in encrypted files, you can pay using electronic currency 300 dollars. Reporting to police about a case will not help you.” Companies that practice due diligence and regularly backup their data may be impacted the least. Conversely, companies with a small IT staff and less frequent backup process may find themselves in a jam. However LURHQ has discovered the password — C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual StudioVC98 — a code disguised as a file. If you’re reading this article, consider yourself the lucky recipient of a “Get out of jail FREE” card. There is currently still debate on how the Trojan spreads but some speculate spyware is the culprit which requires the user to be infected by visiting certain website boobytraps from links sent to the user via junkmail. “Infection reports are not widespread, so it is not believed this is a mass threat by any means,” LURHQ said.]]>