21 May 2014

eBay accounts hacked via their employee accounts

Only last month did AOL announce a significant number of its 120M customers' accounts being hacked.  Now, eBay ebay HQcustomer names, account passwords, email addresses, physical addresses, phone numbers and birth dates have been exploited by a hacking of several eBay employee accounts. 

Two weeks ago, eBay discovered some of their employee accounts had been compromised.  They are emphasizing that customer passwords were encrypted and that the complexity for password requirements are slightly more secure than average – thus increasing the time it would take for decryption by those involved in the theft. 

In addition to the requirement for customers to immediately now change their passwords is the fact that addresses, phone numbers and dates of birth may be abused for social engineering or attempts at identity fraud.  Customers should now be exceptionally wary of offers "too good to be true" and unsolicited which may request a social security number or other personally identifiable information.

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