22 Apr 2014


His latest book, Disinformation, analyzes and reveals a diverse landscape of campaigns in propaganda.  In the chapter Global War On Religion, he goes into fine detail about Christianity and Judaism being targets of defamation through disinformation campaigns.  In one example, he describes how Stalin’s paranoia of a mass exodus by Russian Jews discovered by a two month mail interception by State Security results in dissolution of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee along with the closures of Jewish schools, theaters, and synagogues. In another chapter, Operation “Dragon”, Lt Gen Pacepa unveils enormous amounts of detail regarding Oswald’s relationship with KGB and their zheleznaya yavka (“iron meeting”) between him and Kostikov in Mexico City.  Valery Kostikov was an officer of the Soviet foreign intelligenc PGU’s Thirteenth Department for “wet affairs” (wet being a euphemism for bloody). Even further revealed are inner working details around Andropov’s disinformation machinerey to persuade the Islamic world of Israel and the United States’ intention to transform the world to a Zionist fiefdom.  In this chapter From Disinformation To Terrorism, a list of “anti-Zionist” operations are listed spanning 1968-1978 which are attacks while Pacepa was still in Romania. The book is gripping and full of intriguing questions of the modern era.  It authoritatively provides a missing dimension to understanding how the media remains vulnerable to historical revisionism and lying campaigns while shining a light on the political evils of propaganda. [AMAZONPRODUCTS asin="1936488604"]]]>